
1974 January - May
Catholic Mission Board, NY
Prof. Dr. Med. Dent. Mac Kenzie
Port au Prince, Derak
Assistant of my husband
Dr. Med. Dent. F. Wille in Dentistry,
Prophylaxy, Hygien, Education, Organisation.

2013 March/April
Cleft Children International
(CCI) Prof. Dr. Med. Dent.
Gosla Reddy, Hyderabad,
GSR Institute. Craniomaxillofacial Surgery.
Assistance and Guidance of CleftPatients, Parents, Relatives.
Assistant in orthodontics

January 2014
CCI Prof. Med. Dent. Mani Chenai, India
Social, cultural and medical insights.

February 2014
CCI, Prof. Dr. Med. Dent Gosla Reddy
Hyderabad, India.
Dental assistant of my husband Dr. Med. Dent. F. Wille
Social, cultural, medical insights, travelling to remote villages with Photographer Nikkol Roth.
Informing people with Cleft, regarding especially babies.
Introducing parents, relatives into the necessary surgeries in order to leading a decent handycapped freed life.